Mira graduated from Middlebury with a degree in International and Global Studies: Global Gender and Sexuality Studies and minor in Psychology. Following a research fellowship on Chinese masculinity, she pursued her current Masters in China Studies: Law and Society at Peking University.
She lives in Beijing and continues to research disability law and social practice in China. Mira was a 2022 fellow for both the Hansen Leadership Institute and Humanity in Action (Denmark), and in 2023 she worked in the US Congress as an intern for the LGBTQ+ Victory Institute. While experienced at applying for these highly competitive programs, she has also sat in the opposite seat as an application reviewer. She has previously worked as a college essay editor and writing tutor, and enjoys working with students to find ways to creatively and adeptly express themselves as standout applicants. In her free time, she enjoys walking in nature, baking, crocheting, and traveling the world.