地点: 北京
期间: 2年
As an Educational Consultant, you will serve as a mentor for top Chinese high school students, guiding them to develop English literacy and critical thinking, reading, and writing skills. Our consulting team offers two positions: Consultants for Senior Scholars (high school seniors) and Consultants for Junior
Scholars (high school sophomores and juniors).
地点: 北京
期间: 2年
As a TOEFL instructor, you’ll teach high school students in small classroom settings and in one-on-one tutoring sessions. In this role, you will make a huge difference in the lives of top Chinese high school students by helping them achieve the test scores necessary to apply to top US universities and colleges and achieve their dreams. Also, you will also develop and teach small discussion based workshops about American cultural topics aimed at improving student English ability outside of a TOEFL context. Furthermore, our test preparation department is shifting its focus to develop a broad EFL curriculum. In this role you will assist in designing and teaching foundational English skills that specifically promote English reading literacy, strengthen EAP writing skills and coach effective communication skills.